Saturday, 5 September 2009


So fed up, feel I have got a stalker.

Why do they constantly lie to me?? every time I turn on the puter, there are emails, pm on facebook, or messenger pops up and it is doing my tree, like they are sitting in wait for me.

So now they have the same ailment too, wonder of wonders.

I have got a lot to deal with at the moment, and I sure as hell dont need the hassle of listening to anyone else going 'woe is me'.

I am not usually like this, but this person is doing my tree. They say nothing positive at all, it is all negative. I cant do this, cant do that, etc. Well, no-one can do it for you!!! No one else is there shoving the crap down your neck, you are obviously more than capable of doing that yourself!

I am this close _ to telling them to leave me the fcuk alone!!!



  1. Hi Ann-Marie, keep your chin up sweetie, i know exactly how you feel. i recently told a friend of mine to stay away from me, i had to in the end think of my well-being rather than listening to all her woes..

  2. Thanks Phil xx I blocked her from facebook, and msn, and ignore her on the WW boards too. I dont like doing it, but I need to save my sanity!! Whatever I post on the WW boards, within a couple of days she is posting almost the exact same!! BUT she has been quiet for a while.... shh dont want to tempt fate lol xxx
